Monday August 27, 2001

An interview with the creator of Mathematica, Stephen Wolfram about what he's been doing the last ten years, captured in his forthcoming book A New Kind of Science

I've changed this blog page into an index.php3 so that I can play around with some server side scripting. If you haven't tried PHP yet I would highly recommend it. Start at and if you like also browse through some working examples at HotScripts. PHP is quite similar to perl yet it is highly focused on doing Web based scripting. For example, when you open a file you can provide a local machine path or an HTTP or FTP URL.

My first attempt at something semi-dynamic is the location entry in the left column. I have another PHP page/script where I can submit my location and it writes it out as a file to be included here.

I also want to put a small calendar in the column for easy navigation from one day to another.

I have some ideas for creating traveller blogs. Now that they have an API for programmatically submitting blogs one can write a pre-processor. I've see many attempts at travel logs out on the web and there really isn't any consistency.