Wednesday September 12, 2001

It's kind of hard to even think of writing an entry with everything that has happened. Faith came downstairs yesterday morning and said that an airplane, maybe two, hit the world trade center. I've flown from LEB to New York on small US Airways prop jobs many times and was always amazed as we flew down the island and then seemed to pivot above one the skyscrapers. So the first thought that came to mind was that a small commuter flight ran into problems.

Being in the boondocks of New Hampshire, or probably anywhere outside of NYC or DC, none of this really seemed real. More like an extravagant special effects event. But as the day went on and the images grew worse it started hitting home that it was all terribly real. Further proof lay in the night sky, clear and quiet, not a single airplane. This morning's sky is also completely untouched by jet contrails, probably the most vivid indicator that life has changed.

There is a low level fear that neither of us have been able to express. We woke up at 2am, most likely because Zeke wanted to go out and chase foraging deer, but both of us heard other sounds. Probably just the normal noise of trucks on the interstate five miles away but everything was new and suspect. I got up and turned on the TV hoping that nothing new had developed and that there wasn't any other reason for hearing noises at 2am than normal interstate transport.