White Mountains Map Book This is the map book we used on our hike the other day. The book is well written and the accompanying map is very well done (and waterproof!). Created by local folks.
Earth Simulator version 1.0 still has glitches but it sill sounds like they are using one mean, green computing machine to do the beta testing. Clocking in at 0 million, plus a little spare change for the accompanying power generator, they say it's equivalent to 50,000 home PCs.
No one's actually worked on a computer this fast before, and early software versions may sputter. "We're 100% certain that the hardware will work fine," says Otsuka. "We can't say the same about the software. We are only 60%-70% confident that everything will run OK at first."
The hardware guys always say it's the software's fault... ":^)