Saturday September 29, 2001
Some new words. All essentially medical and probably none of which you want to investigate just before lunch.

Trephination. There's even a video entitled, what else, a hole in the head video at the International Trepanation Advocacy Group.

Obviously I don't have any kids or I would have heard about Meconium (blech!).

And our final word of the week would have to be adipocere, which aptly describes what happened with the Soap Lady. Of course there's a bunch of adipocere web sites.

Trephination reminds me of a "product" idea that I've had for a few years. What with the heavy renewed interest in all forms of body piercing I think now is the time. Instead of merely piercing an eyebrow or earlobe, one would have a surgical steel stud placed into the forehead, either between the eyebrows or slightly above. The stud could either have a threaded bore or some form of fast-release clip mechanism like you see on keychains. Being firmly anchored in the skull it would open up a whole new market of convienent clip-on accessories. Eyeglasses and sunglasses without the annoying ear & nose friction. Shade for your face without wearing a hat (just a clip-on brim). Headsets with an optional clip-on bass speaker that REALLY delivers thumping bass.