Wednesday January 23, 2002
Radio paper?  Flexible displays are getting closer and E Ink wants to hook a radio ID to a piece of  electronic paper so you can download the latest newspaper to it.  Hmm, I think we can come up with better uses that that!

I would be remiss to certain members of the household if I failed to post this blatant kitten link.

For us grumpy old farts there's the link to 10 things Google has found to be true.   I hope they can hold onto this and continue to make money from it without ending up cutting open the goose like so many before them.

How big is 100 terabytes? Kahle, who serves as archive director and president of Alexa Internet, a wholly-owned subsidiary of, says it's about five times as large as the Library of Congress, with its 20 million books.  They are using 100 terabytes for the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) and O'Reilly has an article on how it works.

The archive is fun to cruise but still has some holes.  Here's what my homepage looked like in 1997, complete with spinning head.  Or the early, early years of CNET.

Interesting article on popup ads that aren't coming from the site you are browsing.  Plus some pretty shady data collection.  Yuck.

Cute Duckling photo from MSNBC last year. []

NAMM: Music, Macs and OSs

While we're mentioning NAMM and Macs I should put in a plug for the application I just finished working on: MixMap

Convert Edit Decision Lists Into Cue Sheets

MixMap reads most of the major post-production formats and translates them into output-based cue sheets. Currently, MixMap supports importing of the following formats:

* ProTools™ 5.1 (and earlier versions)
* CMX 3400/3600
* Sonic Solutions

Swing by for a demo and more information about MixMap and their other products and services.

Ah, finally, a way to deodorize paper mills.  I remember seeing a bumper sticker while travelling through Lincoln, ME (a stinky paper mill town) which said:

Kiss Me Where It Stinks: Lincoln, ME

slo-blo fuse


Where have all of the fuses gone?