Tuesday January 29, 2002

Wired has an article on a soon-to-be-released methanol fuel cell for laptops.  That in itself is interesting but what really caught my eye is that there's a Methanol Institute in Washington, D.C. and sitting in the front row of their board of directors picture is Enron Clean Fuels Vice Chairman, Jim Prentice.

BTW, if anyone running across this weblog works with fuel cells, super capacitors, or advanced technology batteries and wants a highly motivated and technical test vehicle and tester, just drop me a line.  I'd love to throw a new fuel cell into my electric car and see how it fares through a NH winter.

p.s. don't miss my methane song

Telehypnosis "more effective" than face-to-face therapy.  I don't watch enough TV to know if this is going on already, but if not I can imagine all-hypnosis channels springing up any day now.  You gotta admit they'll have a great pitch for potential advertisers: We've already got them hypnotized, just tell us how many you want them to buy.

fullmoon.gifFaith has been substitute teaching the past two days.  Yesterday was at the Junior High and the kids were in rare form. "Freaked out," is the term she used, and for the first time she dispensed yellow slips to the chief freakies.  Another teacher told her that the Moon is full and the kids always seem influenced by that.

This morning, on her drive into town for teaching, she dropped Zeke and I off at the Bagel basement.  After getting a chili bagel (Zeke's fav) and cinnamon scone (mine, all mine!) we set out on the three mile hike home. Part of the hike is through the woods along Storr's hill and the Goodwin trail.  Here's the pictures I took of the waterfall (icefall), including a pic of the Goodwin trail map.