Here's a great application for X10 wireless cameras.
As promised, the snowstorm turned into a crying fest (the sky and the skiers) alternating between rain, sleet, and something that resembles the styrofoam bead innards of 1970's bean bag chairs. The bird feeder is ice locked and the four inches of snow accumulated on the railing erodes as if from a strong acid bath. Surely it was days like these that inspired the creation of the internet.
Installed mySQL on the OS X machine today. Again I went with
Marc Liyanage who has organized a number of OS X apps and documentation. After that I needed a browser based admin tool for MySQL. I found one, but it was too simplistic, and then I came across
phpMyAdmin which has everything I need and more.
Buy it or make it yourself,
Open Source Cola
Scanning the tech sites there's more and more news about strange new
research funding and
military project funding. I guess it's inevitable in the current political climate, but as Han (and about everyone else) in Star Wars would say:
"I got a bad feeling about this."
What weighs two tons and floats a hundred thousand feet in the air under a saran wrap thick balloon? The
Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder. Which begs the question: which way does the wind blow at the South Pole? According to
Antartic Meteorologists it looks like it spins around the pole in both directions, including the
Antarctic Circumpolar Trough. So that big balloon probably spun around the bottom of the world like a rubber duck circling a bathtub drain.