Monday April 1, 2002

I don't think I've seen the likes of this browser in my logs before:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; 8 Bit Nintendo; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)
8 Bit Nintendo?

You can have my potato cannon after you pry my cold, sticky, starchy, hairspray coated fingers from it's barbeque-grill peizo-electric trigger...

Proposed California ban on potato cannons. [flutterby]

"Is this that station again?"

"...ummm, yeah. Maybe even the same song."

"How can you stand it? It's like the washer stuck on spin. Ugh!

That from the musician in the house. Honestly, European Techno Hard Trance grows on you after a while. It has that certain air of frantic nothingness, layed down in a background tapestry of industrial assembly line muzak. When I'm programming it's more like a metronome...set to prestissimo.

There's an interesting side of techno trance, if the CD gets stuck in a loop or your internet streaming MP3 feed gets corrupted you typically just can't tell. It's the yoghurt of music, nobody is sure when it's turned.

Coldwater Morning

It was a beautiful weekend. Luckily so, since the pump on the indoor fish tank has been dying a slow, noisy death these past two weeks and I'm running out of jerryrigs to keep it going. The tank is the winter home of our pond fish: one large Koi, two medium, and three small. Small being four inches while "Whitey" is just under a foot long.

Saturday and Sunday was spent chipping out the ice block in the pond, draining the water, and then cleaning out the scum and frog bodies. Much better frog count than last year when a dozen of them tried their hand at wintering in the two foot deep pond...or should I say two foot thick rubber-lined ice block. What a mess. Last fall I netted the stray frogs and transported them to the wetlands down the road. No idea how they find my little pond in the first place. Only one dead frog this time and, surprise, surprise, one live frog.

The Pond has been refilled, fish transported, and for fighting off the cold spells I have an old waterbed heater I toss in.

Who is behind all of those Get Rich/Work-from-Home signs plastered around town? You might be surprised, maybe not. There's even an organization fighting them.