Wednesday May 1, 2002

Wowser! Some powerful/wild work over at Misha Gordin, conceptual photography. Like this.

The strangest sensation yesterday as my right ear closed down shop. Ear wax. Well, at least it isn't a tick (Faith's lovely suggestion). Turning to the web there's some strange and interesting information, as usual. Did you know that there are two types of ear wax, roughly associated with the area of the world you are in? This page of holistic cures caught my eye, not so much for the ear wax info (garlic oil in my ear?), but the suggestion that a hangover can be cured by rubbing lemon slices under armpits. Forget ear candles, anything that looks like a sacrificial ritual is out of the question.

Marlon Brando

Yesterday's baby reminded me of Marlon Brando and this is the closest matching pose I could find.

Can't you hear the baby saying...

"Some day, and that day may never come, I may ask a favor of you."


"Wait, I think that day has come..."