Barry passed along a link to Delay Lama the Virtual Singing Monk, from the AudioNerdz. Perusing the Nerdz' site I found the programmer bios including this ditty from their Mac guy, Daan Hermans:
" I joined in a little later in the Delay Lama project. It was a nice way of learning some C++ and some DSP stuff. It also gave me a lot of music to listen to, while developing, and some nice lunch recipies, in the end. I really like the way things are going in music software these days. I would really like to reduce my stuff to one incredible laptop, mac in my case. I was the one doing all the mac compatibility, which gave us some really nice bugs at the end of the project."
"I once heard this story that the developer of 'Tetris' almost got so addicted to his own game, that it would never have been released. It is this kind of addiction that I also have with the Delay Lama."
Some lovely eye candy using magnetic fluids. [note to self...gotta try this] More like this on the Visual Mathematics page. Another I enjoyed is this series of paintings from Dragan Mojovic.
Thanks to Phil for a pointer to the Draganflyer 3. A strange looking remote controlled copter with wireless video.
The warm weather brings out more than leaves from trees and garden hoses from sheds. A whole new population appears. Most of them glow a ghastly shade of white as if sequestered in fallout shelters all winter. The Sun goes to work and clothes start falling off of like wrapping paper. Soon there's little left but bright Summer dresses and scruffy cutoffs.
Joining this newly awakened fray are the young. The school kids. You feel like you've seen them before but you don't remember them being so tall and gangly, limber and loud, brash and bewildering. Kind of like the potatoes stored and forgotten under the sink last fall. They've changed, sprouted, seem to be getting into everything.
This is when you are re-introduced to the styles. Maybe you once had the crazy 'do, wore your pants backwards, or sported self-made Bic ink tattoos. Still, it's different, refreshing. Yesterday's spotting was brown hair with a bright green *splat* shape on the top. A Nickelodeon gloop recipient. Not so much a hairdo as a mildew.
Which got me wondering...why no organic hairdos? The Chia pet look. Real corn rows. Gourds. Seems like it would be pretty easy to sprinkle a handful of grass seed into a fuzzy 'do, poke a pumpkin into dreads, or mix bean sprouts with the green hair mousse. Want to intimidate adults? Grow a crop of summer squash, they'll avoid you like the plague.
He, this is funny, people from somewhere far, far away from my own being are quoting me ;-) Found this out, when a friend of mine was searching the net on my name, he probably had nothing better to do. Anyway, nice thing to see people having web-logs. Myself is to lazy and not permanately connected on the internet for that...