Wednesday July 31, 2002

Here's a new music classification system for organizing your iPod playlists. Quentin Tarantino's theory, put forth by Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction (directors cut), is that you're either an Elvis person or a Beatles person. I would propose that there are also two styles of music: Muppets and other. Doesn't matter if it's angst or Hank, the key question is: can the Muppets dance to it?


Almost forgot to include this fellow in our NYC photo gallery (larger version in gallery now). Quite an impressive drummer, especially considering his instruments of choice: spackling bucket, file cabinet drawer, propane tank, metal grill, metal lock box, and the wall behind him. Not sure what the drum sticks were...but not the standard fare either. He was drumming up a storm when the cops came by and chirped their siren, breaking up the solo.

BTW, we didn't completely take it easy yesterday. After cleaning the house a bit we got out the bikes and rode along the rails to trails path from Lebanon to lake Mascoma and went for a swim. On the way back we passed by a house where a doberman pincer came barrelling out onto the road and attacked Zeke. Enough shouting on everyone's part finally broke up the fight. After yelling at their dog the owner turned to us and shouted that we better have our dog on a leash next time we go by. Huh? So Zeke and I can both be attacked by the Doby? No thanks.