Wednesday September 4, 2002

Cool! I just discovered that Command-Option clicking on the desktop (OS X Jaguar) hides ALL applications.

Brett Rann • 2002-09-05 01:29am

Handy. You can also command-option-click on any application icon in the dock to have the same effect, but with that app instead of just the finder.

(how about a cookie for name/email/url retention?)
Jerry • 2002-09-05 04:59pm

Hey, that's a good trick too. Thanks!

Good idea on the comment cookie. I have one other idea in that area I'm toying with and will implement them both together.
Jerry • 2002-09-08 02:06pm

This is a test of comment cookies...

Now that you've mastered the fine art of PVC bottle rockets you are probably wondering "what now?" How about homemade PVC bagpipes? A bag pipe solo would certainly add a unique atmosphere to your bottle rocket launch event or a company picnic. The website also include instructions for other homemade musical instruments: kalimbas, banjos, musical saws (does that count?), hurdy gurdy, doodle-bass, didjeridu, fife, dulcimer, and others.

found music During our daily walks we'll sometimes clean up trash on the roadside. Usually it's the same old crap: fast food containers, soda containers, beer bottles & cans (for a while there was a string of extra large cans, all flavors, like a drinking and driving sampler), and empty cigarette packs.

On the rare occasion something unique shows up. Twice now I've found cast off CDs. You'd think that after being tossed out the window of a speeding car and a few days in a ditch they'd be beyond redemption. The first CD was a dinged up but playable Van Halen classic. The latest one is homemade and, despite having this nice sized cigarette burn, still mostly playable. I have no idea who or what it is. A cross between Korn and Rage Against the Machine (the KRAMberries?). Have I discovered a burgeoning garage band demo disk? Of course it could be any of a hundred new groups I haven't heard of. No help from the CDDB database. Is there an app which can derive a unique music fingerprint and id it?

Making household bricks out of the sludge formerly known as sewage...

As well as getting rid of the sludge, there are other benefits. The firing process locks away for good any toxic heavy metals in the sludge, and also destroys any hazardous microbes and organic material. And the bricks don't smell at all, says Weng.

But Weng admits that people might need a little convincing to live in such intimate contact with their own waste.

Indeed. At the very least the color should be tweaked.