Wednesday September 18, 2002
fog gun Thanks to boingboing for finding this smoke ring gun from Actually it's not smoke, it's a toroidal vortex of fog. Sure, sure, looks like fun all the same. Be sure to visit the action page with the ring-the-cat video (not suitable for all cats).

I accidentally stumbled across the the other day. You can hire them to bring their gravity defying dog show to your next big event. These are the kinds of frisbee dogs which run up the guy's back to catch high flying discs. I tried this a couple of times with Zeke but no joy, he used his patented "slam-into-Jerry-to-dissuade-new-tricks" trick. There's a picture on their Contest page of a dog doing this jump in front of the WTC towers.

Here's a handy chunk of javascript for visualizing the DIVs in a web page:

javascript:void(d=document);void(el=d.getElementsByTagName('div')); for(i=0;i<el.length;i++){ void(el[i].style.border='1px dashed gray')}; void(el=d.getElementsByTagName('span')); for(i=0;i<el.length;i++){ void(el[i].style.border='1px solid black');}

Plop it into a bookmark (or drag this link to your toolbar). When you use this the current page changes to show borders around all DIVs. Found on another weblog but can't remember which to give proper credit. Works in Mozilla & IE.