Looking back in Jer Zone history I see that last year about this time we had a snow storm on May 18th. No thanks, enough is enough. Another bit of uncovered history is one of my funnier dog photos: Zeke & Tucker.
Thanks to Barry for a link to this NPR tribute to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. It features some interesting covers, including a great one by a string quartet. Here's something else I'd never heard of:
Legend has it Dark Side synchs perfectly with The Wizard of Oz. Start the CD at the third roar of the MGM lion at the beginning of the movie and set your CD player to loop the album.
Have to try that...
It has been a pretty nice week here despite, or maybe because of, the considerable rain we've had. I've worked myself up to the point where I'm walking either to or from work every day. Yesterday I walked both ways, a little over eight miles. In addition to feeling healthier and refreshed there's the bonus of being in the heart of Spring as it unfolds. On the town part of the walk the apple blossoms, tulips, and daffodils lend organized color to manicured yards demarcated with red-dyed bark mulch and plastic edging. In the woods it is easier to miss the display, a smaller, chaotic version of Spring with all manner of blossom and budding down at frog belly level.
Yeah it kinda does, we had a laser light show/Wizard of Oz deal for our classic rock station. The word was the higher you were the more it matched up