Friday May 30, 2003

Thanks to 101-365 for posting a link to this very cool periodic table. Click an element to get more info, pictures, and even some quicktime VR of the elements. I enjoyed the hydrogen entry where he talks about little trillium key chains and markers that you can get outside of the US:

While makers of these things claim no radioactivity escapes through the glass, this is only mostly true. I measure about 500 counts per minute, slightly but distinctly above background. Of course, this is about the same level I measure from 4 tablespoons full of salt substitute which people actually buy at the grocery store and then eat (it contains a small percentage of naturally occurring radioactive posassium-40).

Tedhieron • 2003-05-30 05:33pm

That periodic table site is fascinating! It's endless.

Tedhieron • 2003-05-30 05:35pm

Speaking of eating dangerous things...