Tuesday June 3, 2003

If you've been in the Zone for a while this scene might look vaguely familiar. It's the view outside the office window, which we've seen in Winter and during Spring thaw.

The water level has gone down dramatically since Spring thaw but there's a ways to go to reach the ankle deep, summer splashing level that Zeke and I remember from earlier years. See, even though we only moved into this office late last year, Zeke and I have been stopping here to "water the dog" for years. I joke that it is swimming spot 1273 and that Zeke has this and all of the other water holes stored and categorized in a complicated dog database. DogDb, let's call it, since DogSql doesn't have as nice of a ring.

When we get near a location indexed in Zeke's DogDb he perks up, sniffs out the window, raises a paw towards me (like "hey, pull over right now") and generally makes a nuisance of himself. I'm not talking just local DogDb entries here. He's indexed various wordly watering spots like Lake Erie, the Atlantic Ocean, and hundreds of others from our cross-country drives to Wyoming.

We took a break at work yesterday and Zeke went swimming. Between swims he pranced along the bank proudly, gnawing and shaking the frisbee as if to break its treacherous frisbee neck. A few moments of this self-congratulatory posturing before he brings it back for another toss. It may seem like frisbee and swimming, but Zeke's off in a parallel universe where it is so much more.

pedraum • 2003-06-03 12:55pm

Your audience would like to see a movie of the transition from winter to spring with the same scene...you can pick the soundtrack. ;^)
Faith • 2003-06-03 09:41pm

You could call it, "How to grow a tree!"