Friday August 22, 2003
New Telescope

I bought a telescope this week. It's my very first and after waffling for some time I settled on a refractor (120mm) since it seemed like something I could use during the daytime as well. Last night Ted came over and we checked out Mars. It was pretty hazy and Mars was low on the horizon, but we managed to make out the ice cap. I have a t-ring adaptor so we both tried snapping photos with our digital cameras. It's tough work. The photo on the left is Ted's while the two right-most images are from my A70.

Looking at the star chart it seems like 4am would be a good time to try again with the Moon rising in the East and Mars setting in the West. The clear sky chart looks good. BTW, I've added the clear sky chart to our local weather page.

Mars Shot - Ted Dark Mars - Jer Bright Mars - Jer

Blue Jay Earlier in the day I was watching birds and learning the scope controls. Around sunset a large flock of Blue Jays moved in. Loud, noisy, jays that couldn't sit still or shut-up. This fella was almost obscured in a tall tree top at the back of the yard but the telescope pulled the image right in.

RSS Feed

Someone's script was hitting my rss.xml file about every forty seconds since yesterday. So I dropped a note about a possible bug on their side and figured I'd block them if need be. Got home from work and it's still hitting me. Hmm, just out of curiosity I took a peek at my RSS file and it had a markup bug, most likely I'm not escaping the content properly. It looks like their bug was triggered by my bug. Cool!

"Great, have your bugs touch base with my bugs and we'll put this deal to rest..."

After much careful thought (at least three seconds worth) I decided to scale back the RSS feed to just titles. Sorry folks. I've flip-flopped a couple of times regarding these feeds. I can see how folks might like the way a news reader allows them to organize weblogs and do the updating for them, but on the other hand I really don't like the fact that the readers also render the content out of context of my page. No particular reason, just stubborness on my part. I've also been planning on making it so my images only get served up from my pages, which would have also broken RSS. It was time.

Lemon Mushroom

Lemon Mushroom