There's a plastic liquid soap dispenser at work that gets these bizarre looking swirls inside. Couldn't quite get the lighting I wanted but still thought it made for an unusual photo.
Faith Henricksen • 2003-09-24 10:46pm
Yeah, a Pinoccio troll caught in green slime. A cross between a Farengi, Pinoccio, and Mr. Spock.
what is it!
There's a plastic liquid soap dispenser at work that gets these bizarre looking swirls inside. Couldn't quite get the lighting I wanted but still thought it made for an unusual photo.
Yeah, a Pinoccio troll caught in green slime. A cross between a Farengi, Pinoccio, and Mr. Spock.
I thought it was ectoplasm.
Although now that you mention it Faith, I do see the Pinnocio-ish thing too.
X-Ray of someone who swallows metal things?