Thursday November 20, 2003

Extra Close
Close Ice

Hobo camp?

More likely a trio of young boys out on their own. One had an argument with his parents, stormed out of the house and joined up with his two best friends. They dug through jean pockets and bought two cream sodas and a root beer at Bob's little store. Bottles jammed into oversized parkas they walked the three blocks to the waterfall and escaped the world.

The Lost Boys

"Marilyn Manson, no doubt."

"Rob Zombie."

"Marilyn Manson dude"

"Rob Zombie."



"Geez you guys knock it off..."

"Well, who would you bring home to freak out your parents?"

"Rob Zombie."

"Shuddup, let him answer!"


"Pee Wee Herman."


"That's sick, man.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea chugging cold sodas on a night with the temperature below freezing? One of them dug out a book of worn matches and tried to light one while the other two pushed pine needles and sticks together and yelled at him to hurry. They built a small fire 'cause they didn't want to get caught. The fire seemed to have a hard time fighting back the cold, barely able to singe nearby tinder much less warm cold fingers.

Finally one of them stood up and announced he's out of here. Sorry about your parents but I gotta go. The other friend nodded his head, got up and joined him. The third boy waved them away and was left alone with the night the sputtering fire and his thoughts.

The white-noise rush of the waterfall started sounding like non-waterfall things. He kept looking over his shoulder but only darkness looked back. Finally he decided the cold and uncertainty were worse than facing his parents. The bottles too cold to carry he stacked them and crushed the struggling fire under his heal as he turned to leave.