People can be so cruel.
Zeke and I were walking into the office this morning and Zeke, in his oh-so-subtle way, was growling at a fellow heading in the front door at the same time. See, the fellow was obviously thinking about running ahead and eating all of the biscuits the nice girls have been bringing in for Zeke. You'd growl too.
The fellow grumbled back, "Get a life!"
Ok, so maybe Zeke DOES need a life, what with coming into the office on a Saturday and all. Still, that's a mighty strange thing to say to a dog.
He's been in a bit of a quandary about this whole "life" thing ever since. I found him sitting on the lawn intently staring at his paws, contemplating the sound of one of them clapping. He won't watch TV anymore and all of his worldly goods lie on the dog bed untouched.
I'm worried that he might get desperate and ask the cat for advice.
Zeke. A dog's life is the best. You bring happiness to humans. You tackled air dynamics for years. You sniffed the airwaves cross country. What more could one want from life. Don't ask the cat about life, after all she lived in a yougart collar for years. Cats like many humans have a very narrow focus.