Monday June 14, 2004
Fly a kite...

I posted a link to Scott Haefner's aerial kite photography two years ago. Much has changed since then, including details about the gear and a much larger gallery. Great photos.

Water Rockets
Fin Gluing Jig

It's that time of year again. Time for the steam and hiss of impending launch. Time for eyes turned skyward in expectation. Time for the rush and splash of your custom made water rocket soaring skyward.

I've started putting together a How Zone article on Homemade Water Rockets. It is still a work in progress but there's plenty to get you started.

Posted some more pages this evening...

Faith Henricksen • 2004-06-16 08:34am

isn't that the base of one of the NEW bird feeders?

Mac Migration

Excellent news. My last Mac migration was performed using Carbon Copy Cloner, which mostly worked, but needed a little geekly intervention to finalize. Being able to buy a new Mac, firewire it to your old one and migrate the accounts and settings you want will go a long way towards keeping folks on a regular system upgrade path.

Now if Apple made a similar tool to hook an old PC to a Mac, move over everything (except the viruses/spyware/adware), I think they'd be on to something. New Macs already come with a 30 day Microsoft Office for Mac demo so, presumably, a PC user could be up and running on a new Mac the very same day. The one-wire OS upgrade...I like it.

Tedhieron • 2004-06-14 12:03pm

Now why would PC users want to give up their viruses/spyware/adware?