Wednesday September 1, 2004
Venus and Saturn

If you get up before sunrise you'll find Venus and Saturn close together on the eastern horizon (Venus is the brighter one on on the right). Orion is accompanying them somewhat to their south, which would be to the right when viewed in this configuration.

Venus and Saturn

If you wake up too early and decide to take a handheld photo in your adled state you'll most likely get a Venus/Saturn doodle.

Handheld Venus and Saturn

Shelley • 2004-09-02 05:28am


98% Moon

98% Full Moon

Ted Jerome • 2004-09-01 03:56pm

That's with the D70? It's *great*!
jerry • 2004-09-01 09:21pm


Through the telescope using afocal adaptor, 40mm telescope lens, camera on manual mode (since it didn't have a lens) at 1/320 of a second exposure.

Instead of converting to grayscale in PS like I normally do I left color alone and just balanced the brightness/contrast. There was also a slight fuzz along the Moon's top edge which I erased.

Got up early today and took photos of Venus and Saturn using just the camera lens. Not sure how they turned out yet.

Shelley • 2004-09-02 05:28am

That is an amazing photo. The detail is very crisp.