Thursday November 11, 2004
Tomato Sucking Moth (of doom!)

Tomato Sucking Moth

phil • 2004-11-11 06:47am

that's something to wake up to
Shellwy • 2004-11-11 07:25am

That's incredible. What lens did you use to get this one?
jerry • 2004-11-11 08:52am

The 300mm zoom w/close-up attachment.

Same lens as used here:

The setup is more or less described here:

Why the moth was so intent on the tomato is a mystery. I carried it downstairs, set up a bunch of lights, moved things around a couple of times, and the moth kept on eating.

Faith Henricksen • 2004-11-11 01:30pm

And then he forgot about it and the moth "disappeared" into the house!
jerry • 2004-11-11 01:38pm

I'm pretty sure the tomato ATE the moth.

That tomato was looking a little flushed and smug when I retrieved it. Would also explain why the moth never took flight.


