Sunday January 2, 2005

Today was spent making a mess and then cleaning it back up. Using this wonderful guide I completely tore our telescope's EQ mount apart, de-greased it, smoothed the rough surfaces, re-greased it, and put it all back together.

And there weren't any extra parts left over!

I haven't tried it on the stars yet but it sure does feel smooth. Oh, and I did the same thing to the focuser assembly. That's the biggest improvement since the manufacturer had lathered it in some sort of honey and rubber cement mix.

Knife opening ML-L3

As a part of fine-tuning my astro-photography equipment and technique I recently converted a wireless remote for the D70 into a quasi-wired remote.

Why? So I can stand inside and trigger the camera. It keeps me from freezing and the photos from excess vibrations.

For anyone interested in doing the same I've put together a new How Zone article, making a D70 Wired Remote.

Shelley • 2005-01-02 07:43pm

My goodness, you sure do push the bubble.

You should put together a book of your ideas.