Friday August 18, 2006
It was a dark and stormy night...
Stormy night
Ted • 2006-08-18 05:01pm

So, how many shots did you have to take to catch the lightning?

I woke up at 3:30 this morning and looked out the window to see if any aurora had appeared, and saw a nice Moon bow in the misty sky instead. Ran downstairs to get the camera, ran down another flight (and back up) to get the tripod, all in the dark so I didn't lose my dark-adapted eyes. Attempted to fit them together and realized I'd taken off my quick-release plate from the camera *somewhere* and spent five agonizing minutes locating it, and rushed out to my deck to set up. Naturally, the bow was gone. :-( Took some night shots anyway because it was pleasant out.
jerry • 2006-08-18 05:39pm

This one was after only a few shots and I think it was about a 2 second exposure. I took tons of shots after that without much to show for them, even cranked up the exposure time but that just resulted in even grainier shots.

I think you (and I) will have to opt for the retinal CCD implant with memory card port on side of head...

Ted • 2006-08-20 10:21am

I've alwyas wanted that implant! There's still time...