Wednesday June 13, 2007
Electric Dog

I walked to/from work for the first time since Zeke passed away, a month and a half ago. Monday I walked home in light rain and then Tuesday morning, flip-flopping about maybe driving instead, I walked back in. It is very green this time of year and the temperatures have been unseasonably mild, if not a bit cool. All of which makes for a great walk.

The vicious dog was a pup this time last year when Zeke and I first met him; still unsure of himself. He was more afraid of us attacking him, so he kept his barks down at the quiet, query level, "you! uh, oh hey, hi, don't mind me." Now he has a bit more spirit and if it were not for the invisible dog fence I'd probably be looking at some serious head scratching in order to pass in safety.

I had the old 50mm lens with me, which is all manual focus and aperture settings. It sports an aperture of 1.4f at its widest, which the camera reports as 0f. Not sure if that's due to old electronics or a rounding error, since it doesn't seem to effect anything else. With it wide open and the ISO set around 400 I can get some pretty good low-light shots in what would normally require a flash, or at least a tripod.

Here's a comparison illustrating the depth of focus between an aperture of 1.4f and around 4f, both of which were taken about two feet away from the subject. I didn't get the same exposure on each, partially because I didn't think of this experiment until after taking the photo on the left and walking a short ways away. By the time I came back the sunlight had shifted. Still, this does a nice job of showing the trade-off between different aperture settings.

Depth of Field