Friday August 8, 2008
Hungry, Dear?

Part of our backyard deer family, which consists of the mom and her young doe and buck. I was contemplating the legalities of hunting deer on ones own property, we don't own a rifle so the deer and I would have to wrestle for it. Being that I'm not in the kind of shape I used to be she's probably contemplating giving up on being a herbivore.

A few minutes later the sky opened up and commenced to dump everything it had on us. Lightning, thunder, sheets of rain, and almost marble sized hail. The deer deftly stepped into the woods during the worst of it and were back in the yard shortly after it ended. The storm left 2/3 of inch of rain bringing our total for the month to almost four inches. At this rate I suspect the forecasters will soon change from giving the percent chance of rain to percent chance of sun, since it's usually the smaller of the two figures.