Wednesday December 14, 2011
Big Hairy Ice Show
Ice Sprouts

As Winter sets in the temperature falls and the ground starts to freeze. It's not a complete freeze, more of a diurnal pattern of thawing and freezing a bit each day. And since parts freeze at different rates we end up with a lot of strange and fascinating ice formations. The ice comes squeezing out of the ground and plants as ribbons, columns, spikes and even "beards". Raz and I took a hike south of DHMC yesterday and these are a few photos from the walk.

Close sprouts Ice Candy Ice columns, pushing up pebbles

Photos taken with iPhone 4S.

Some other collections: extruded ice, Haareis, diurnal freeze-thaw cycles.

Andy B • 2011-12-14 09:14pm

Your 4S phone takes incredible pictures! Maybe Santa will spread some iCheer this Xmas.
Faith • 2011-12-15 09:21pm
