Sunday April 1, 2012
Last Vestiges of Winter?
Thinly frozen pond surface

Raz and I went on a long hike in the Boston Lot area this morning. Not much mud, no snow, and all of the ponds have but a thin veneer of ice ... all but the one Raz chose to walk on. The first place he tried broke through, so he just entered somewhere else and blithely strolled around the rest of the thin ice, managing to not break through anywhere. To be honest I had my camera trained on him the whole time hoping to catch him the moment it did!

I guess I'm that kind of guy.

It may have had something to do with having to wait for him while he spent ten minutes chasing some wild animal off in the distance. He almost bays when in pursuit: something between a bark and a being-torn-apart-by-bears sound. I cupped my ears for more directional tracking and audibly followed him as he got closer, veered to the left, faded off into the distance, back right, back left, closer ... and then gone. No more sound. Whistled a number of times, then started walking again and he eventually caught back up.