Thursday April 19, 2012
To live and to die
Bullfrog after Winter hibernation

Our pond has been thawed out and running for almost a month now, which is somewhat amazing. Even the lily pads are coming out. Each year as things warm up these big old bullfrogs pull themselves out of the muck at the bottom of the pond and make their way to the pond's edge to start the process of warming back up. Their skin is dark and dull, like old gunmetal, and they pile up in communal heaps to share the Sun's warming and perhaps look a bit more intimidating to predators. A few days goes by and their vivid green luster returns and it's time to find a mate. The toads are also back and in full chorus. The other night, our house windows wide open for fresh air, Zane asked if I could get the toads to stop making so much noise.

While walking the rails-to-trails to work the other morning I ran across this mouse. No real damage indicated, no surrounding signs of struggle. Did time run out? Was it frightened badly? No one will know. Dogs will give it a sniff in passing as they go on their morning walk, their master may or may not notice it. Bacteria are working away inside while somewhat larger bugs will start their long process of dismantling it for nutrients. Perhaps a crow will alight nearby, hop over to investigate, cast a leery glance around for predators before starting in on it. By day's end it will surely be gone, fueling others in its death.

Mouse on rails to trails trail
Faith • 2012-04-20 01:40pm

I was letting the cat out the back door this morning, and what might have been a hawk took off from the lawn. Tink stopped and would not go out the door because of a BIRD! The big black bird just slowly flew away, and i remembered the hawks that hunted the Bullfrogs from the past few Springs.