Friday January 18, 2002

Luxo iMac...the movie":^)


Ok, I'm going to try to organize any/all of my OS X links into a single entry per day.  Don't know if this is useful for anyone else, but it'll help me in the long run when I try to find them again.

Curious about what your browser is really doing when you visit a site?  You can open the Network activity window when using OmniWeb (under Tools) but they fly by pretty fast.  No problem.  Open a terminal window (Applications:Utilities:Terminal) and type in the following:

while 1
netstat | grep tcp
echo "-------"
sleep 5

What this does is look at network activity (netstat), filter it so we see only web stuff (grep tcp), print a divider, then sleep for five seconds before doing it all again.  Now as you visit a web site you'll see that there are probably lots of extra calls to akamai (web caching service), ad servers, and maybe even a few surprising ones.  Oh, type Control-C to stop it.

This morning I crawled into the G4 and started snapping shots...

G4 capsG4 speakerG4 roms?
G4 Chips G4 fins G4 Shoulder

Another visual treat comes from Wyoming's new State Climatologist, Jan Curtis.  Jan was previously in Alaska and photograph scads (my technical term) of Northern Lights. is a great site for checking out a new LCD monitor.  I love the image on her weblog.  At first glance I thought it was a few week old fetus...kind of silly once I figured out what it really is.   More of her images here.