Friday January 18, 2002

Ok, I'm going to try to organize any/all of my OS X links into a single entry per day.  Don't know if this is useful for anyone else, but it'll help me in the long run when I try to find them again.

Curious about what your browser is really doing when you visit a site?  You can open the Network activity window when using OmniWeb (under Tools) but they fly by pretty fast.  No problem.  Open a terminal window (Applications:Utilities:Terminal) and type in the following:

while 1
netstat | grep tcp
echo "-------"
sleep 5

What this does is look at network activity (netstat), filter it so we see only web stuff (grep tcp), print a divider, then sleep for five seconds before doing it all again.  Now as you visit a web site you'll see that there are probably lots of extra calls to akamai (web caching service), ad servers, and maybe even a few surprising ones.  Oh, type Control-C to stop it.

This morning I crawled into the G4 and started snapping shots...

G4 capsG4 speakerG4 roms?
G4 Chips G4 fins G4 Shoulder