Thursday September 12, 2002
Jer's bBook

Forget PDAs. Forget eBooks. Forget laptops. I want my bBook!

A bBook would be something like an eBook except you can take it in the bathtub, out on the porch, down in the guts with leaky plumbing, under the greasy car. You don't have to worry about getting it wet, dirty, or bumping into things. Built like a brick and it floats.

Fill it with books, docs, pdfs, code, schematics, user manuals, recipes, instructions, diagrams, and so on. You should be able to read these things without worrying where you are. Me, I'd fill it with docs and head to the tub with a cup of hot cocoa.

Faith • 2002-09-13 09:28pm

like the "It floats!" part.

Autumn Sky