Friday September 13, 2002

The Wired article on a wireless Dartmouth College has me's only a dozen line of sight miles between here and Dartmouth and we have the hill. Maybe I can pull a Cringely and rig up a pringles can to tap the network?? The article highlights a few of the interesting inventions stemming from a pervasive wireless network:

Chthuggle: the HP Lovecraft search engine.

Because I can. Because nobody else was going to. Because I was tired of writing soulless e-commerce customer cart abandonment demographic correlation software.

After enjoying etherf@rm's photos I browsed his weblog, notably his entry (with before and after pics) on getting an iPod. I should have known folks would already figuring out how to download weather and driving directions into their iPod (iPod-it).

Lots of photos to browse over at etherf@rm. I particularly like poor little Wet Rupert the dog.