Saturday September 14, 2002

Cars, dogs, and people aren't the only thing on the road at eight o'clock Saturday morning...

Leaf Hopper

Crazy dream night last night. One in particular stuck out among the others and survived waking...

There's this huge monster, Godzilla looking thing but not quite as tall. It appears ready to attack my brother and his friend but instead turns them into sticks of gum. Normal sized sticks of gum, foil covered, with the little white wrapper band around the middle. Before I can wonder at how odd this is I somehow figure out that what they have really become is Heat Sensitive Sticks of Gum. At a certain temperature the sticks of gum turn back into my brother and his friend (who looks remarkably like Principal Skinner) leaving them with no recollection of their predicament. They wander off, I think going to get something to eat. Pizza? Mexican? Not sure, but the restaurant ends up being too hot and they turn back into sticks of gum.

The dream wanders in and out of strange story offshoots, as good dreams will, the stick-o-gum/brother managing to survive each transition. Meanwhile I can't seem to tell them about their predicament. It's not that I'm worried that someone will accidentally eat the sticks of gum, it's that they might switch to sticks of gum at a fatefully inopportune time, like while driving a car. At the end of the dream they are crawling around a two hundred foot radio tower trying to fix an antenna.

Cliffhanger. Will they make it? Are there two sticks of gum wafting down from the heavens? Gee, hope you're ok Chris.

chris • 2002-09-17 04:36pm

I feel all sticky....