Monday January 17, 2005
See Spot Glow...

Sunspot 720 let loose with a couple solar flares Saturday, the results of which might be glowing overhead tonight.

Tufted Titmouse
Ted • 2005-01-17 03:22pm

Nice! How far away is the bird from your camera?
jerry • 2005-01-17 03:33pm

I'd say at least fifteen feet and through quite a bit of tree and hedge.

Instead of hanging out at the bird feeder this time I hung out at the tree they stop off at on the way to/from the feeder. You don't get a lot of time for shots, especially with the Chickadees, but the setting is nicer and they tend to have a wider variety of poses.

Leigh • 2005-01-17 07:58pm

Oh she/he is gorgeous! what a lovely shot!