Thursday February 14, 2008
Ice Overhang

Another big storm rolled through yesterday, starting the day off with a few more inches of new snow before devolving into a sleet and then eventually a rain storm. Yet the temperature never really got much above freezing and fell quite a bit below it afterwards. Our world turned from a frothy slush into a frozen, hard edged ice landscape overnight. Tire tracks through the slush in the driveway from when I came home yesterday afternoon were unforgiving frozen ruts this morning. And the slush piled up at the end of the driveway by passing snow trucks froze solid into an almost impenetrable barrier.

There should be a law against rain storms in the winter.

The photo is out my office window this morning. It's a three story building and that chunk of ice is somehow hanging out five feet beyond the edge off the metal roof. It's about twelve feed wide. I'm worried that when it eventually does work itself loose it is going to destroy something.