My favorite cooking technique these days is to search our recipe books and the web, get a bunch of ideas, and then invent a recipe that fits the ingredients and taste I'm looking for.
Today we are going to have a duck and so off to the web for ideas. This recipe, as translated by google, was too much fun not to share:
Slow Roast duck Of Bluebelle at 18.03.2003 - recommending Added: 3 kg of duck (2 pieces) Salt Pepper 255 g ginger 2 long bars baby Rhabarber 2 hand fully roughly chopped Salbei 1 tuber garlic, toes peeled and halves 2 red bulbs, into fine disks cut 2 weinglaeser Marsala or Vin Santo 285 ml vegetables -, chicken or duck rear Olive oil So wird's made: Furnace on 180 degrees preheat. Half of the ginger and the Rhabarbers peel and Klein oaths. Mix together with half of the Salbeis, garlic and the bulbs. So that the ducks fill and into a deep baking sheet metal set. Roast about 1 hour in the furnace, then the temperature on 150 degrees shift down and again 1 1/2 hours knusprig roast. Tax away the out-flowing fat several times. If the ducks are finished, on a plate in the furnace warm-hold. Fat out of the sheet metal pour. Filling and roast juice from the duck in-give. With moderate heat warm up, then the Marsala zugiessen, so that the roasting flavours separate. Rear to it-poured and all in-cooked leave. Subsequently, pour the sauce by a filter. Remaining ginger into fine disks cut and in olive oil anbraten. If it begins to change its color the remaining Rhabarber cut into fine disks and the Salbei to it-give. All anroesten. Give then together with the sauce over the ducks.
Jamie Oliver has the same recipe (English) in his book and on his web site.