Tuesday May 13, 2003

I noticed an entry in my log files for geourl.org and checked it out. Cool! By adding two meta tags to my pages the geourl engine can now spatially indexed my weblog into the real world. Click the little logo to find other weblogs and pages in proximity to my location (Lebanon, NH).

I used to offer a geographic visualization of the updated weblogs in my sidebar but it got to be a pain trying to figure out where everyone's physical location was. Maybe someday all weblogs will have geourl meta tags? The next step is to create a markup for individual entries...since entries in my weblog may not have a thing to do with Lebanon, NH. I would tag an entry with a geourl and some program would spider the RSS and organizer everyone's daily log entries into "localized headlines." Throw dots up on a map to show where folks are writing about, search for entries near your home, research an upcoming vacation spot. Lots of fun.

pedraum • 2003-05-14 02:37pm

Vicinity's vision coming to fruition...by motivated individuals. There's a business lesson in there somewhere.