Way back when this weblog was using radio userland it had a Stories & Photos section (still in the links column there on the right) which was where I'd post longer articles or bigger collections of images.
When I wrote my own weblog software over a year ago I was planning on someday making a similar, if not better feature.
Then I went off and got a real job, got real busy, and pretty much forgot all about it.
A few months ago I taught a class on HTML and CSS to some friends and about the same time I started running Adsense on some of my more popular articles. The story section idea began to resurface.
The first step in a big software project used to be designing the t-shirt. These days it's finding a good domain name. I registered TheHowZone.com. Now it was simply a matter of programming.
A couple of weeks later and I think it is at a good beta point. I submit to you, good beta tester reader...
Some of the stories are cleaned up and expanded versions of existing, popular articles. There's also a new article on constructing a backyard pond. I have more in the works.
Check it out, kick the tires, click the links, and if you get a chance drop me a line with any comments, bugs, and of course article or feature ideas you might have.
If you like it, please share. Post it to your weblog, hand out TheHowZone cards at luncheons, call up your neighbors, write your congressman, rent a sky-writer during an NFL game, call up your buddy at the major network, put subliminal TheHowZone graphics in major motion pictures, get a TheHowZone tattoo!
Wait, forget about the tattoo.