Since sometime in mid-December Whitey, and the five other pond fish, have been locked under a relentless ice cover. Hibernating. At least that has been our hope, since the view is entirely obstructed.
The month long below zero temps in January had me worried. Each time I checked the ice was thicker and the aeration hole, being kept open by a small 100 watt floating heater, was losing the battle. I covered the area with a thick sleeping bag which in turn was covered by more snow. While putting this together I stuck my arm into the pond with a small mirror in hand, hoping for a glimpse of fish. All I accomplished was the rapid loss of feeling in the arm and a bone deep chill .
Towards the end of January I noticed the water level down by a few inches. I snaked a garden hose through a basement window and ran a little water into the pond. Still no sign of the fish.
This week has been remarkably warm, even touching the 40's. This afternoon I took a peek at the pond. The hole in the ice is a little larger and when I moved the floating heater to the edge I caught some movement: Whitey, swimming by!
C'mon Spring...
So when will you install an under-the-ice FishCam? I bet you can't do it. ;-)