Friday July 16, 2004
Farm Fixup

Fractured Farm Photo

This is a 1912's era photo of the farm where Mom grew up (taken long before she was born). The photo appears to be a colorized black and white mounted on some type of cardboard backing. It once lived in an oval frame. Mom asked if I could fix it up.

For the restoration it was scanned in three passes using a cheap flatbed scanner. Since the photo isn't totally flat there were registration errors as well as changes in color and brightness. The photo was also taller than the flatbed frame and rather than break up the scanning into more segments (to get the rounded bottom) I decided to clip the top and bottom evenly. That's way too much grassland, even for South Dakota.

The next step was putting the three pieces in as separate layers in photoshop and aligning the edges. Plenty of overlap in each scan, leaving enough material to blend and erase overlapped edges without too obvious of a seam. Getting colors to match was tough. With more time I would have tried scanning differently, maybe even flattening the photo.

Two tools were indispensable: the clone tool and healing brush. To fix the smaller water damage streaks and tears I used the healing brush. For the huge section of missing sky it was necessary to clone large parts of existing sky, and then use smudge and healing brush to fix it up so it's not an obvious clone.

It's not perfect. There are areas that need to be brightened or sharpened and the seam could be cleaner.

Fixed Farm Photo

phil • 2004-07-16 12:56pm

This is the Johann Knapp Homestead, the photo my father dated at being from about 1912. Grandfather Knapp came from the Ukraine in 1874, prior to that the Knapps resided at the foothills of the Voges(sic?) Mts in Alscae, France. Searching for religious freedom and being pacificist, they left France about 1784, wande(rather floated) down the Danube and ended up farming on the Steppes of the Ukraine with the Czar's permission and promise to not have to serve in the military. Grandfather didn't offically file this homestead until 1917, probably due to his second marriage. My grandmother and namesake, Philippina, had died after givingbirth to her 13th child around 1900. The farm was sold in 1958 when my parents retired and moved the same house into Eureka, S.D. Where my mother resided until 2002. The house still is in Eureka.
Ted Jerome • 2004-07-17 06:14pm

Probably the Vosges Mountains, in Alsace, France. See: