Tuesday July 20, 2004
Spaghetti, Deer


Brown the meat, set aside. Saute onions and red peppers, toss in a few thinly sliced garlic cloves and cook for a few minutes longer. Combine with meat, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, dash of red wine. Spice liberally and creatively. Simmer.

While you were cutting garlic you reserved a thinly diced clove for salad dressing. Dump in a small screw top jar. Pour in a nice balsamic vinegar and olive oil (1 to 2, 2 to 1, 1 to 4...you never remember ratios but it is generally more oil than vinegar).

Add herbs, fresh if you have them (diced small, bruised a bit). Basil, oregano, thyme, tarragon, cumin, rosemary...it varies based on the meal at hand, personal tastes, salad composition, and, of course, what's in the spice rack. Add a dash of salt, loads of fresh ground pepper, a dollop of a non-flourescent mustard (i.e. dijon). Screw on cap, shake like crazy. Set aside for quiet time of infusion.

Stir spaghetti sauce. Taste, touch up spices. Add sliced mushrooms when eating time approaches.

Think about how nice it would be to share the meal with someone. Look up and spot a deer ambling across the backyard. It's not what you meant but cheers things up all the same.