Tuesday November 9, 2004

While stationed at Ellsworth AFB in South Dakota we used to joke about the folks stationed further north in Minot, ND:

"Why not Minot?
Freezin's the reason!"
Snow Nose

The is a photo from two winters ago when we had a lot of snow here in New England. Last year wasn't as snowy but it sure was cold. Minot cold. I'd much rather wade through four feet of snow than walk in sub-zero temps.

Today we've had a few small flurries. Not really snow, more like windshield frost shavings. Temps are dipping into the low 20's overnight. Winter has begun.

I've been spending a little time on the porch during these cold nights and mornings trying to spot the aurora. We missed the amazing aurora display that started around midnight Sunday. Supposedly another aurora is already in in progress. Update: highly likely according to these graphs. (thanks Barry!)

Zeke and I are trying an experiment to see how many times we can walk to/from work this week. Or maybe it's a contest to see who drops first. The "short" route is 3.5 miles one way, a little over 4 the long way.

We drove in to work on Sunday and walked home. Monday we walked in and then back home that afternoon. This morning, despite the cold and scattered snow fuzz, we walked in the long way (update: and walked home). I think we are up to fifteen 18.5 miles. Here's a 3d rendering of the area.

Zeke is holding up pretty well. Taking the summer off from frisbee and nutty behavior (well...) seems to have allowed his back leg to heal. At least he's not limping after all of this walking. Still, we're both feeling like old dogs at the end of the day.

To keep entertained on the walk I've been listening to audiobooks. So far (not this week mind you) I've listened to both the abridged and unabridged versions of Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything. The abridged was fun since it was read by the author. After that I had to listen to the unabridged which I got for signing up at audible.com.

Also enjoyed a couple David Sedaris books, Ender's Game, Shadow Divers, most of The Fabric of the Cosmos, and The Time Traveler's Wife. The last one wasn't at all what I expected. Reminds me of when I was younger and read Clan of the Cave Bear only to realize part way through that it was a thinly disguised romance novel.

The current book is John Adams by David McCullough, a huge tome clocking in at 30 hours. I'm barely a quarter of the way through: the declaration has been created and signed, England has been attacking, our troops haven't been doing so well, and John Adams just set sail to join Ben Franklin and another fellow in petitioning France for help.

Zeke continues his scatological studies with abandon. Topping this week's mystery: who keeps pooping on top of the little high points along the road? Owl? Gymnastic chihuahuas? His old nemesis the Raven?

BTW, it seems that Mount St. Helens has been rebuilding herself. There's been scattered earthquakes, plumes, and lava flow. Check out the volcano cam and you can see a small mountain forming within the crater.

Linda • 2004-11-09 02:48pm

Let it Snow!
Appreciate the updates on Zeke, for his age he is doing extremely well.

Today, I met a Jack Russell Terrier that is 14 years old. YOU GO ZEKE!