The mandibles look so much like metal contraptions that I went back in and extracted a 100% crop of that area. Turns out that they are white-ish with black tips.
There were a bunch of these bouncing around the pond area yesterday. Closest I could get was about a foot. The rest of the carapace is the same vivid, iridescent green as the head.
sometimes I feel like that on Monday, esp when it is 44 degrees, raining, and possible snow
correct that: 37 degrees
Yeah, I was wondering about that. 40 seems mighty balmy to be complaining about. ":^)
Hey, 70something and just finished a lovely walk along Chain of Rocks Bridge over the Mississippi in the beautiful sunshine!
Oh, didn't you want to hear that?
Interesting coloration on that beastie.
i like the "rivets" in the mandibles and the pocupine hairs on its legs.
It's cool looking from a distance too! Especially, when it's in the mulch one is stirring...
Great shots! What fun.
I'm struggling to adjust back to Newt Hampster weather after 90-degree dry days in Germany!
I am torn between admiring your photo skills and running away screaming at the idea of a bug with a metal mouth.