Tuesday July 19, 2005

Through the modern miracle of Grandma Cam we present a fresh, just taken birthday photo of Christopher. I think he turned 30 today.

A relatively benign start to the day compared to his past birthdays.

Hey, let's have a caption contest! Leave a comment with your caption to put next to the flying squirrel (or any other character in the shot). I'll start things off,
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die."

I'll send the winner a photo of their choice, from the Jer Zone, framed.

phil • 2005-07-19 04:22pm

hmm! where did all that come from, didn't notice them when I took the photo. Also a Happy Birthday tomorrow to Jacob Halstead in Flagstaff, Happpy Twentieth--an old man.
Aunt Faith • 2005-07-20 07:39am

HB CN! Enjoy your breakfast and look out for the squirrel!
Aunt Faith