Tuesday January 17, 2006
I otter be in pictures...
Mink?Mink 2?

Otter? Mink? Fisher cat? Not sure what else there is to choose from in New England.

Regardless, this little gal/guy was scampering on the ice yesterday outside our office. I didn't have a zoom lens and this was shot through a not-so-clean double-pane window (it's cold out there!). Shortly after the shot it slid into the cold Mascoma river, swam about a third the way across, and then dove under water.

I'm still waiting for it to come back up...

A couple weeks ago Jeff passed along a link to an Ermine video from his friend who works up at the Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Maine. Here's a page of their videos.

Faith • 2006-01-17 09:42am

Are Fishers aquatic? The link you posted didn't mention them being water dogs.

I vote otter!
Laura • 2006-01-17 04:17pm

I'm voting for pine marten.
Ted • 2006-01-20 03:11pm

I vote for the winter form of pterodactyle.
phil • 2006-01-22 05:39am

river otter?
Shelley • 2006-01-22 04:52pm

JJ • 2006-01-23 04:42pm

I vote for the fluffy in a sleek way otter.
jerry • 2006-01-23 07:59pm

Aw, c'mon, I'm sure it's one of these:

