Last night as evening approached Faith pointed out that we had a few visitors in the back yard. She's familiar with them as they were regular visitors when I was living in Nebraska last Summer.
The group of seven deer consists of three doe and four fawns. They didn't spook very easily, even when I slid open the back door and started snapping photos from the deck. I may have been able to get even closer, on the same level as them, if I'd been wearing shoes and the ground wasn't still snow covered. As it was the closest doe looked up when the camera shutter fired and then thought about maybe panicking when I added my usual "Hey, deer, how's it going?" Instead, it turned around just in time to dodge one of the fawns who'd turned frisky and was dancing around on semi-wooden fawn legs.
Faith both likes and hates the deer. She turned to me, as the deer maneuvered through bramble and left the yard, saying, "They are dropping ticks everywhere!"
It's just gotta be where the cat picks ticks up. *shudder*
One of the fawns might be even older. I thought we had 4 or 5 regulars last year. One time (that I know of) they came really close to the house between the clothes line and the water fall. Very prettty, but I shoo-ed it away. TICKS!
Dear Zsa Zsa (Faith): If one lives in Green Acres one has to adapt to the critters-large or small!
There were seven or eight deer out in the woods behind our house last night. They grazed back there for about 20 minutes. And as I marveled at their presence, seeing as how we live just half a mile from the middle of "downtown", I thought the same thing--TICKS.
I accept that they exist, but pulling 6 ticks off myself last year (5 of those while I was in bed either trying to fall asleep - tickle on the leg-, waking up from a deep sleep - when I was dreaming of Tom Cruise-, or in the morning before getting up - as it walked across my hand.) was just about enough for me! Adaptation consisted of the animals being screened out of the bed room for 5 months!
Luckily, none "sank in". Like the time I got up and Jerry found a tick just on the fleshy skin under my right eye. I had just gotten up and hadn't yet looked in the mirror. It was a horrifying sight!