Monday June 25, 2007
All Spider
Spider Close-up

Haven't settled which spider this might be: Wolf Spider, the Huntsman or a Black House Spider all being close candidates.

I was working on the outside of the house, pulling off old vinyl siding in preparation for closing in the old doorway with siding when this spider fell out of the crevices. The body is probably close to the size of a fifty cent piece and when the legs are taking into account it's easily palm sized. Unfortunately I wounded one of its legs before noticing it.

Ted • 2007-06-25 09:36am

Geezum crow!
phil • 2007-06-25 10:43am

Boys think he's a Wolf Spider. Wow! What eyes you have? What fangs!
Karen • 2007-06-25 03:18pm

Holy crap! I still haven't decided on a camera but you're making me want that one. :)