Monday April 28, 2008
Properties of Light
Properties of Light

I tend to keep Zane photos on his weblog but this one struck me as interesting from a photographic/physics standpoint. Using the single "eye" of an SLR I wouldn't think that he'd be completely visible through the holes of the child gate. And yet you can follow the outline of his head even where the white plastic should be blocking it (the plastic is a quarter inch or so wide).

I think this illustrates that even though the lens is a single eye, it is an eye with a very wide view, almost an inch and a half on the 50mm I used. Light from Zane enters the lens at multiple points and gets refracted to a point on the photo sensor. Whereas light from his ear might hit all quadrants of the lens for a crisp exposure on the sensor, the light from his nose maybe only came in the very bottom of the lens while the top of the lens "saw" the plastic. These two (actually lots) of light sources exposed a teeny bit of photo sensor, some of it with white some with pink baby nose beams and thus the blurring addition.

Ted Jerome • 2008-05-03 10:04pm

I think this may be the first instance of the phrase "pink baby nose beams" I've seen. ;-)
I like it!